Being a subtype of a major depression, psychotic depression occurs when a serious depressive illness have some form of psychosis which could be intense feeling of failure, worthiness as well as hallucinations. This depression affects approximately at least one out of four people who are admitted to the hospital because of depression. This type of depression is actually a main depressive episode that is followed by psychotic symptoms and it can occur in either major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder context.

How psychotic depression differ from major depression.
A psychotic person is one who is out of reality and touch. People suffering from this problem may have strange and illogical ideas as well as hearing voices. For instance, there are those who might think they are wanted by police for a crime they did not do or are possessed by the devil. Psychotic depressed person get angry any how or they may spend most of their time staying awake at night and sleeping during the day. Such people may also ignore appearance by not changing clothes or taking bathe. This depression may also make a person to rarely talk or talk senseless things. On other hand, people suffering from other mental sickness like schizophrenia experiences psychosis. However, those with this type of depression often have hallucinations or delusions which are consistent with depression themes such as failure or worthlessness. Contrary to that, psychotic signs in schizophrenia are usually impulsable or bizarre and do not have no connection the state of mood. Psychotic depressed individuals may also be ashamed or humiliated of the thoughts hence they try to hide them as much as possible. By doing so, it becomes very difficult to diagnose this type of depression.

Signs and Symptoms

There are common symptoms for people suffering from this depression. These include: anxiety, agitation, intellectual impairment, insomnia, constipation, hypochondria, physical immobility as well as delusions or hallucinations. Patients with this problem are at a very high risk of committing suicide as well as greater memory problem compared to those with other mental problem.

Psychotic depression treatment.

 Most often the treatment for psychotic depression in given in hospitals whereby mental health professionals have a very close follow up to the patient. There are different medications such as anti-psychotic and antidepressant are used in stabilizing the mood of the person. The anti-psychotic drugs usually affect the neurotransmitters which allow efficient communication between the cells of the nerves in blood area which regulate our capability to perceive and have a good organization of information about our environment. Examples of anti-psychotic include olanzamine, asenapine, risperidone, quetiapineand many others. Treatment for this kind of depression is very much effective as people have the ability of recovering within one year of medication. However, it is very important for medical follow up. In case the medication does not end depression and psychosis, Electroconvulsive therapy may be used. It is also very much important for Patients to always work with the doctor in finding the most effective drugs with least side effects to them.